We Went Out for Mexican Food, and Came Back With a Kitten!

by Sheila
(Calhoun, GA USA)

Mama, Muggy Buggy, and Raymond Jo

Mama, Muggy Buggy, and Raymond Jo

Sheila shares the story of how she got her black and white kitten Raymond. To find out how cute kitten Raymond got his name you will have to read his story. If you love black and white kittens be sure to check out these B & W kitten pics.

A few weeks before my college graduation, I finally caught the black and white stray cat who so often was in the parking lot eating garbage, and dubbed her "Carlotta" (now referred to most often as Mama or Carla Jean). She slept like a scarf around my neck on the way to the store to get food and a litter box, then purred and drooled all over me once inside my apartment. We were instantaneously best friends, and over the summer, she moved out of state with me where I was starting my new job as a teacher.

Over the summer, my boyfriend's dad became very ill with cancer, and by the end of summer, he passed away. One of my student's had an aunt who also passed away about the same time, and on the night that his aunt passed away, a stray cat came up to his porch and had kittens. One of them was black and white, and I adopted him for my boyfriend. Because of his black mask and fluffy tail with a white ring around the tip, he was named "Foxtrot" (which has evolved into many names, but mostly Muggy Buggy).

A couple of months later on a brisk November evening, my friend invited me and my boyfriend to go out to eat, so we decided to meet her at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants, "El Rayos," that has a side patio for outdoor dining. When we arrived, we greeted each other, then proceeded toward the entrance. As we approached the steps,
a tiny kitten came bounding around the corner of the patio, crying loudly. Wouldn't you know it, he was black and white! It was meant to be. I reached out for him and he leapt gratefully into my arms. He was a mess. On his cheek was an infected wound so large that he couldn't open his eye on that side, and his whiskers had been chopped off. I don't like to think of what he must have been through before the night of his rescue. Nonetheless, I kissed that kitten right on top of his filthy head, told my dinnermates that I would be back soon, and got in the car with the kitten where he nestled into the cupholder, purring loudly.

The next day, we took him to the vet, and when they asked for his name, we told them "Raymond" - Raymond from El Rayos! For several months, he played it safe and stuck to the walls when walking around the house. He didn't dare walk through the middle of a room, still fearing for his safety like he had to as a kitten. However, with lots of love and encouragement from us, and the support of his adoptive mama, Carlotta, Raymond Jo (yes, he has a middle name) is now a fearless, frisky kitten who is currently lounging peacefully in the middle of room with his brother, Fox.

And that is how we ended up with three unrelated black and white cats in a six month time period.

Thanks for sharing how you ended up with a little family of black and white kittens that were not related by blood. Great story Sheila.

If you have a cute kitten (or kittens!!) please share them and your kitten has the chance to enter the Cutest Kittens on Earth Hall of Fame... enter your cute kitten picture here!!

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