Meet the Orange Tabby Kitten Named Abe - The Kewl Kitty!

by Shea
(Savannah, TN, USA)

What's up!?

What's up!?

Shea introduces Abe her orange tabby kitten to the Keeping Kittens community. What a gorgeous ball of fluff! She has even shared a cute kitten picture as well.

Well, Abe came to me as a surprise from my cat-hating husband a few months after we were married. It started when I had an unwelcome guest in my home... a mouse! And I just couldn't seem to get rid of him.

I already had 2 dogs in the house, but they didn't seem too keen on mouse hunting. I was complaining about the issue to the hubby one day while being in a bleaching/cleaning frenzy before he went to run some errands into town.

A few hours later, he walked back in with this little fuzzy thing in his hand. I was curious at first. Then he put the warm fuzz ball in my hand and said "There you go. The answer to your mouse problem." I looked down and it was a very tiny orange tabby kitten. I was shocked.

I was stammering.. "But... you hate cats! Why on earth...?" He just smiled, kissed me and said "Yes, I do.. but I love you more. This should give you a new project and take care of your mouse problem. Enjoy!". Come to find out, a mother cat and her kittens were going to the animal shelter.... all he could save is one... and that is my Abe.

That little tender moment happened about a year ago, and Abe.. aka Ninja Kitty... has found his way into both of our hearts. He loves to play with the house dogs, jump on the top of my bookshelves, he is addicted to the caffeine in tea bags and no bug is safe in our house with him on the prowl!

I asked my husband, after a year had passed, what his views on cats were. He said "I hate em!" I said "But, you seem to like Abe..." He said "Abe isn't a cat tho... he's an Abe and family member!" ha ha.. And he is so right.

Thanks Shea for sharing Abe with us!

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Sep 20, 2010
Abe the Ginger Tabby Kitten
by: Sam from Keeping Kittens

Thanks for sharing your cute kitten and his picture with us!

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