Comments for Kirby is Such a Handsome Boy!

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From Kirby's mom. . .
by: Maria

I'm so sorry you have a sick little kitty on your hands! I, too, hope Liberty recovers quickly! Keep in close contact with your vet, and be sure to get those worms treated ASAP! My vet gave me kitten replacement milk, but you can buy it at certain grocery stores and pet stores, as well. Also, baby food, either turkey or chicken (pureed), is good. I got a large syringe from the vet and mixed the kitten milk and meat to make a loose paste. (There's a photo in one of my previous stories of Kirby, of me syringe feeding him.) Good luck! I hope your love and attention will turn things around for your kitty. She's lucky YOU adopted her! Whatever happens, please take comfort in the fact that you rescued her and loved her! So many cats and dogs never have the opportunity to have a "real" home!

From Kirby's mom. . .
by: Maria

I'm so sorry you have a sick little kitty on your hands! I, too, hope Liberty recovers quickly! Keep in close contact with your vet, and be sure to get those worms treated ASAP! My vet gave me kitten replacement milk, but you can buy it at certain grocery stores and pet stores, as well. Also, baby food, either turkey or chicken (pureed), is good. I got a large syringe from the vet and mixed the kitten milk and meat to make a loose paste. (There's a photo in one of my previous stories of Kirby, of me syringe feeding him.) Good luck! I hope your love and attention will turn things around for your kitty. She's lucky YOU adopted her! Whatever happens, please take comfort in the fact that you rescued her and loved her! So many cats and dogs never have the opportunity to have a "real" home!

I needed this sweet story tonight
by: Liberty's mom

I just adopted a 3-month-old kitten from an L.A. County shelter 4 days ago, and she's not doing well tonight. I'm looking for solutions in home care for cats and came across your inspiring short story about Kirby. I hope my kitty Liberty has the same positive outcome.

I have a healthy 11-year-old male cat who became depressed when the second of his two adopted sister kitties died two weeks ago at age 14. The other didn't survive life with a spleen removed and died last Novermber. Little Liberty, a cute white and silver seal point kitten was going to be his new companion.

Liberty left the shelter with an Upper Respiratory Infection--not uncommon--and was doing OK on the antibiotics. A trip to the vet 2 days ago for more vaccinations and quick exam showed she was doing fine overall. But, each day has been a bit worse, and I'm hoping with time, more medicine, and gentle feeding she'll recover. She also has worms, I just discovered, and I fear her weight loss won't improve quickly enought. I'm off to read up on more remedies, but wanted to thank you for the bright spot in my otherwise discouraging evening.

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