Adorable Kitten Playing Around: Spirit's a Jester
by Laura Logan
(Houston, TX)
Spirit's a Jester
Laura shares her kittens story. Looks like he is a bit of a character judging by the kitten photo she sent in. Be sure to share your cute kitten picture and story with Keeping Kittens.
My kitty's name is Spirit. He's 5 months old. He really loves to attack your hands and feet by chewing on them. He's got a love of streaming fluids and has twice now gotten his paw wet when my husband was urinating, since Spirit does not know the difference between water and urine.
We had a house fire in March 2010. In May 2010, Spirit was dropped off at the PetSmart I was working at. We had lost 10 animals in the fire, and thus, when Spirit arrived, we named him Spirit after the lost animals. He embodies behaviors from the previous pets.
Thanks Laura. What a lovely sentiment is behind Spirits name, and I am sure he is a constant reminder of your lost pets and what they meant to you.
As always ... share your cute kitten picture and the story of your kitty. Your kitten could be next months Cutest Kitten winner and enjoy a permanent spot in the Cutest Kittens on Earth Hall of Fame!!
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