Kitten Care > Cute Kitten Pictures > Abyssinian Kitten Pics The Cutest Abyssinian Kitten PicturesAbyssinians (Aby) are one of the oldest known cat breeds. Owners of Aby felines enjoy a loyal, intelligent and affectionate companion. Here are just a few adorable abbysinian kitten pictures.
Photo by polandeze. (Footer for photo credit) An Aby Kitty Called BlueThis little fellow is working out his territory. Who can resist smiling at a kitty playing around? Photo by aaipodpics. (Footer for photo credit) 5 Week Old Sorrel (Cinnamin) Abyssinian KittenThis is the life isn't it? Just laying around without a care in the world - learning just what is invloved in being a true cat!! Photo by grongar. (Footer for photo credit) What Big Eyes You Have...Well the title says it all really, doesn't it? Who wouldn't want to take this little guy, and his big eyes home for a cuddle? Photo by Harry R. (Footer for photo credit) Dolly Pounces and Make the Kill!Everyone enjoys a playful kitten don't they? This little girl kitty named Dolly, comes of best in her battle with the ball of twine. Photo by harold. (Footer for photo credit) Hello!What a gorgeous looking feline, and another set of big eyes. More About Cute KittensI hope you enjoyed these Aby kitty pics. Follow the links to learn more about the Abyssinian cat breed, whether an Aby cat is right for you and what you should know before buying an Abyssinian kitty. You are also welcome to show off your own cute kitten. Keeping Kittens would love to see your cute or funny kitten photos - and will even allow you to feature his or her story and picture on their own web page! Where to Next?
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